
Saturday, July 27, 2019

Quantitative Communication Research Variable Essay

Quantitative Communication Research Variable - Essay Example After alteration to "experience working as an engineer" it acts as contingent condition in the hypothesis: "If a majority of people in the audience has experience working as an engineer, a speaker presenting a technology-related topic gets less open-ended questions than a speaker who is delivering a presentation on a topic which is not technological in nature." Independent variable in the following statement: "If a speaker extensively utilizes logical appeals, a person from the audience, when asked to do so, will be more likely to depict the content of the speech in the form of a diagram than if logical appeals were not used." Dependent variable: "Both students and professors, whose personality type according to the Myer-Briggs test classification is characterized by T (thinking) and J (judging), are more likely to use logical appeals when persuading someone than students and professors who have other personality types." Contingent condition: "If logical appeals are used in the message, more unfavorable change announced to the student body at least two weeks in advance will be perceived better than a less significant change students were not informed about in advance." Independent variable: "Students, who have high grade point average in the undergraduate school, perform worse i

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